eXp Realty Announces June ICON Agents

eXp Realty Announces June ICON Agents

Honorees Recognized for Achieving High Production Goals

BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty, one of the fastest-growing, global residential real estate companies, today announced that 50 agents were honored as eXp Realty ICON agents for June 2020.

The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award honors agents who achieve exceptional production goals and positively impact company culture. ICON status is reserved for agents who meet or exceed high production goals and operate in alignment with eXp Realty’s core values.

eXp Realty ICON agents for June 2020 are as follows:

  • Anna Abbatemarco, Pennsylvania
  • Christopher and Bettina Bole, Arizona
  • Robbie Breaux, Louisiana
  • Jana Caudill, Indiana
  • Vickie Coleman, Virginia
  • Rebecca Crane, Arizona
  • Matthew Curcio, New Jersey
  • Craig DeBoor, Indiana
  • Derek Donatelli, Pennsylvania and Delaware
  • Danny Duvall, Ohio
  • Randy Dyck, British Columbia
  • Dan Fitzgerald, Texas
  • Kat Geralis, Delaware
  • Michael Hagen, Kansas and Missouri
  • Amy Haggstrom, Iowa and Nebraska
  • Jack Hamilton, North Carolina
  • Jen and Travis Helmig, Texas and California
  • Alexis  Hughes, North Carolina and South Carolina
  • Nathan King, California
  • Patricia Kiteke, British Columbia
  • Craig Lepage and Shelley Johnson, North Carolina
  • Bob Maiocco, Colorado
  • Krista  Mashore, California
  • Emily and Mark Metcalf, Mississippi
  • Adam  Mincey, Georgia
  • Nate Molter, California
  • Carrie Nicholson, British Columbia
  • Jenny Palm, Louisiana
  • Mark Pattison, California
  • AJ Pettersen, Minnesota
  • Brant Phillips, Texas
  • Mike Quail, Massachusetts
  • Isaac Ramirez, California
  • Yasmin Rogers, Michigan
  • China Rose, Oregon
  • Cassidy Ryan, Indiana
  • Todd Schroth, Florida
  • Andrew Shelton, South Carolina
  • Steven and Laura Smith, Louisiana
  • Jacqueline Stevens and Edgar Aguero, Texas
  • Steven Swanger, North Carolina
  • Joyce   Thomas, Arizona
  • Melanie Voss  , Kansas
  • Al Wells, New Jersey
  • David and Deborah Wertan, South Carolina
  • Marsee Wilhems, Arizona
  • Stacey Wyatt, Georgia
  • Solomon Yasin, British Columbia
  • Dave Zajdzinski, Arizona
  • Kim Zdunich, Ontario           

The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award provides each qualified ICON with up to $16,000 in publicly traded eXp World Holdings, Inc. common stock upon the achievement of certain production, cultural and event attendance goals. The company’s cap is presently set at $16,000. Through the program, ICONs effectively can earn up to their entire cap amount back in the form of stock. ICON agent qualification and benefit details are available in the ICON Program Overview.

About eXp Realty
eXp Realty is an eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) company. eXp World Holdings also owns VirBELA.

eXp Realty, The Real Estate Cloud Brokerage, is one of the fastest-growing, global residential real estate companies with more than 30,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. As a subsidiary of a publicly traded company, eXp Realty uniquely offers real estate professionals within its ranks opportunities to earn eXp World Holdings stock for production and contributions to overall company growth.

VirBELA is an immersive technology platform for business, events and education. Its modern, cloud-based environment provides a virtual experience for workers, attendees, students and more to communicate, collaborate, meet and socialize. For more information, visit the company’s website at virbela.com.

Connect with eXp World Holdings and its companies: http://devexpworld.wpengine.com/social.

Media Relations Contact:
Cynthia Nowak
Vice President, marketing and communications, eXp Realty
360.419.5285 ext. 116
[email protected] 

Investor Relations Contact:
Raymond “RJ” Jones
Executive Vice President, finance and growth, eXp World Holdings
[email protected] 

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eXp Realty Policy Highlights

Our policies are clear: 

  • Any Agent whose conduct, actions or performance violates or conflicts with eXp’s P&Ps, eXp’s core values, code of ethics, or any other eXp policy, may be released from eXp immediately and without warning. 
  • It is the commitment of eXp to ensure the brokerage is free from negative, aggressive and inappropriate behaviors, and that the environment is aimed at providing an atmosphere upholding our core values. All Agents and employees of eXp have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. 
  • All complaints of negative and inappropriate behaviors will be taken seriously and followed through to resolution. Agents or employees of eXp who file complaints will not be victimized for reporting others for their inappropriate behavior. 
  • Agents who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® are required to be in good standing with their respective state licensure requirements and maintain their mandatory ethics training